About Our Goals
Our Mission & Values
The international Passivhaus Industry has to be one of the most open and sharing industries out there. Everyone seems to have the same end-goal: making buildings more comfortable and efficient, preferably to a net-positive standard.
However, there still seems to be quite a disconnect between the technical and practical elements within the industry, especially in terms of a centralised “hub.” Yes we have a few important sites, but nothing we could consider “open to all.” That’s what we hope to achieve here, with everyone’s help of course!
That being said, our base mission will always be to have all Certified Passivhaus Consultants and Designers listed on here, free for anyone to see, with a map showing where they are based.
Alongside that, wer believe strongly that the Retrofit community are a very valuable part of our industry, and are able to help us “catch up” the existing building stock. As such, they are also very much welcome here, and in our database.
We don’t want to be another “commercial site” that has no real connection to the boots on the ground. We’re building this with you, not despite you.
The base site will always be free – that means a freely accessible database of all the key players, free to access, always.
A cog in the machine
We are just one piece of the puzzle, but we hope to be an important piece, smack bang in the middle of the industry, so let us know if you think there’s something, or someone, we’re missing.
Valued content
There’s absolutely no point in us doing what we’re doing if people don’t find it valuable. So please, give us feedback!
What will we be sharing on our platform?
On top of the standard technical databases mentioned above, we also really hope to have all qualified installers and builders on here too. There are a rapidly growing number of highly skilled and directly qualified labourers out there, (at the time of writing there are over a 1000 qualified Retrofit Coordinators for example,) and although the task may be impossible to stay on top of with the rapidly growing industry, we will do our best to include everyone we can.
Above all else, we hope to share our understanding of the UK Passivhaus Industry, with a host of information from key players, stakeholders, policy makers etc. We’re open to requests and invites too. We want to simplify the state and growth of the UK Industry in particular, thereby making it easier for new players to join the game, and especially help the Wild Cards get involved without feeling isolated.
In particular, we’d like to bridge the ever-growing and very clear divide between the technical office-based elements of the industry, and the boots on the ground. Our Founder, Rob Green, is a Wild Card himself, hence his vision to build this site. So, he understands all sides of the coin being more boots on the ground with a low-level Engineering background, but also being a Certified Passivhaus Consultant with Retrofit and Thermal Imaging certs and licenses too.
How are we doing?
Quick contact
If you have any generic questions or something to share, please feel free to use this form. If it is something more detailed or important, please contact us through the information the “contact us” page.